No more glitter: 7 ways to get rid of greasy Shine.

Oily Shine is one of the main beauty problems we face in summer. Of course, the situation is aggravated by heat and increased sweating — alas, but even with princesses this happens!

No more glitter: 7 ways to get rid of greasy Shine.

Owners of oily and combination skin in the summer come into a difficult struggle with Shine, which is able to spoil any, even the most successful image. Of course, oily skin has its advantages — to the appearance of facial wrinkles, it is prone to much less than dry. But that’s hardly a comforting fact. So let’s figure out how to still defeat the Shine and make the skin seem perfectly matte.

Watch the time

You will be surprised when you find out that your sebaceous glands are working like a clock. In the morning before work you wash and it seems that the face is in order, but it takes a couple of hours, and even if you are not sweating, greasy Shine already shines brighter than the summer sun! In fact, cosmetologists have found that 2-3 hours after waking up and in the next 4-5 hours, our sebaceous glands are most active, and at this moment the problem areas need cleansing.

Use napkins

If you notice a greasy Shine on your face, do not rush to use the powder — under its layer the skin begins to work even more actively, and after 20 minutes you will feel the need to powder again. It is much more correct to rinse the fatty areas with matting wipes. By the way, in their absence, you can escape the usual filters for coffee — they also have the effect of “blotting” and probably will be at your home or office. Attention: using a napkin, do not do any wiping movements! Just put it on the problem area and squeeze it lightly.

Read the label

Your cleanser should not be too hard, even if you have very oily skin. Carefully read the label and discard lotions and tonics that contain sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium sulfate, Laureth sulfate or ammonium Laureth. These ingredients, as a rule, dehydrate the skin and can lead to the fact that the sebaceous glands are “afraid” of dryness and begin to produce even more skin fat.

Do not use moisturizer

This advice may seem controversial, because all of us are told that water is the source of life, which means that the skin needs a moisturizer. That’s true. But only if you do not have such a problem as greasy Shine! Arrange your T-zone diet — use the cream only in those areas where you really need moisture, and leave the forehead, nose and chin alone — they need only cleansing, not an extra fat layer. If you absolutely can not imagine my life without the cream, you better buy special matting. In such products usually contains zinc, which allows to effectively deal with the Shine.

Give up the usual tonal means

Sorry, but we have another bad news — the tonal tool is also better not to use in problem areas. The fact that any Foundation contains a greasy Foundation, and as a result — the face shines even more. The only option that is acceptable in your case — liquid serum. As a rule, these products are very light and “fat-free”, so they are ideal for the T-zone. Another option is BB cream with a matte effect, which is specially designed to neutralize the Shine.

Do not wash too frequently

Yes, oily skin needs cleansing, but this does not mean that it can be tormented by constant cleansing. Wash no more than three times a day, and the rest of the time use only matting napkins. The principle here is simple — the more you dry the skin with special foams and gels for washing, the more it produces a secret. So know when to stop! You need purification, but don’t overdo it.

Use salicylic acid

It’s a cheap tool from the drugstore works wonders! Salicylic acid can be diluted with mineral water and wipe the face as a tonic in the morning and evening. It really works — after 2-3 days of application you will notice that the skin no longer shines so actively, and the pores have narrowed and become less noticeable.

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