How to use eyebrow wax


All about wax and its usage.

How to use eyebrow wax

Nowadays ladies know all about makeup, making perfect eyes, lips and skin. But eyebrows are part of the face, the significance of which is often underestimated. It seems that it is enough to tweeze out the hairs regularly and tint eyebrows, but it’s not. It’s not an easy task to keep shape and color. And if the shade is easy to handle with a good pencil, then modeling requires a professional tool such as wax for eyebrows.
Do not confuse modeling wax for eyebrows and wax for hair removal. The latter is needed to change the shape, to get rid of excess hairs. We assume that the bend of your eyebrows is already correct and beautiful, and you have achieved it with the help of a professional in a beauty salon or with your own hand. Now you need to style your hair and lightly tint them at home to achieve perfection. Fixing wax kit will be helpful, but you can also use some wax-based shadow.

Reasons for using

How to use eyebrow wax

Some people may say that usage of such cosmetics is a waste of time, because eyebrows are just fine, not to worry about: to put a little shade and fix with powder. Nobody will notice small imperfections, why bother. But this is a fundamentally wrong approach to make up: every detail must be done, including eyebrows.

Professional makeup artists often apply the wax on the shadows to achieve different effects:

  • to lay rigid and unruly hairs that constantly knocked out of line and spoil the design;
  • fix the shape and styling to the wind or other external trouble didn’t spoil anything;
  • at home fix the color in the shadows that the makeup is not smeared;
  • painting dry and brittle hairs of the eyebrows, which refuse to work with powder or normal shadows.

If oily gel or powdery cosmetics do not cope with unruly eyebrows, you will almost certainly fit the wax for eyebrows. However, it is better to check experimentally.

How to use eyebrow wax

Although the different manufacturers add to your product some uncommon components, the main structure should remain permanent and simple.

  • Beeswax – based wax for cosmetics. Freezing, it strongly locks the hairs.
  • Nylon components – synthetic substances, which absorb sebum very fast. Due to this, the pencil and the powder is a saturated lipid and does not spread, the effect of shadows and the overall design will last much longer.
  • The thickening agent, various polymers that provide resistance to moisture and weather conditions.
  • Substances against microbes and antioxidants.
  • Plant extracts and oil are useful natural supplements that will nourish the hair under the wax layer.

Before purchasing you must examine the set of components to avoid harmful dyes and parabens. They can obviously vary in price and quality. Remember: eyebrows are very close to the eyes, in the case of rain or wind the smallest particles can go down and hurt your eyes, especially if it’s a light shade. The preservatives practically are not dangerous. They are needed in a small number in order to be kept and used for a long time. Otherwise, the expiry date would be no more than a week and you had to buy a new gel almost every other day.

The process of using

How to use eyebrow wax

The main disadvantage of wax – its rapid solidification. Applying fixing gel for eyebrows, you practically do not have time for reflection and dreaming, because you can miss the moment. You must know clearly and exactly what to do with your hands, so you don’t have to erase shadows and wax and then start again.

First, carefully comb your hair. To do this, you can use a small comb or a clean brush from the mascara. Spread the hairs on how they should be laid, make sure that the minimum number of hairs is sticking out from the overall system. Safely apply eye shadow or use a pencil. You may lightly wet the eyebrow, but do not overdo it. Brush with the wax head in the direction of growth to exactly apply the tool for styling. With your own hands pick up carefully unruly hairs so they lay as they should. Do not force the gel in the eyebrows: it fits well, additional efforts will only spoil.

While the eyebrow wax is not dried up, remove its remainder – for the first few attempts at home, it is okay, because you still are not used to correctly apply a colorless gel and don’t know exactly how much funds you need. When it hardens, comb your hair once again. Now it will be more obedient and will fall naturally and smoothly.

Unfortunately, modeling wax for eyebrows rarely paints them in intense color as eye shadow or pencil. Reviews of girls do say that the hue does not change. So you still have to use a bit of shadow. To properly paint the eyebrows first apply the makeup, it is better to wait until things dry up and set, and after that attach the gel.

The wax is included in almost every cosmetic kit, where there is the shadow for the eyebrows. It is denser, but it needs to be exactly the same. First, tint eyebrows using shadow or pencil. Then take a brush with a little wax and settle the effect. The quality of the tools is not as high as in individual boxes with gel, but it works too and we can replace them with professional cosmetics.

How to choose

How to use eyebrow wax

Set buy only in trusted stores and make sure that gets done the standard requirements for cosmetics: one piece packing which had not been opened, the shelf life and sign of quality. The gel is stored for six months after opening, so be sure to check that it is fully closed.

When you are satisfied, note the hue of the funds. If the dye is at least approximately match the color of your eyebrows, the gel will look very strange and ugly, then have at home to create real magic shadows. Although today the choice of colors is not very wide, reviews women online say to choose the right eyeshadow without problems. If you are willing to spend time on the selection of shade, you can take a colorless product.

A modern company’s come a long way, so you can buy not only the styling gel, but comfortable pencil with wax and shadows. The kit includes several tools that together will give your eyebrows the perfect look. Fixing using a pencil with powder, can quickly touch up makeup, while lightly tinting the built-in shadow gaps.

Choosing wax for eyebrows, be sure to clearly specify what you need: only to fix or even dye? To fix the hair on all day almost dead or just tuck a few unruly strands? Depending on the criteria, the price can vary significantly. After that, read reviews online, review videos and ratings of the best cosmetic products and choose what will satisfy your requirements.

Wax eyebrow: what it is and how to use it properly

In makeup special emphasis on the form and expressiveness of his eyebrows. So all the girls try to bring them to perfection. The color and contrast can be corrected by pencil with shadows and dust. But the problem of hair growth in the right direction is solved by using wax for eyebrows.

How to use eye shadow eyebrow wax

Wax for eyebrows is makeup that solves the following problem:

1. The straightening and alignment of the hairs, growing on lines, soften the hard and dense hairs.

2. Fixing the shape and color. In all weather conditions your efforts will be saved.

3. Smoothing and the power of weak hairs if creamy substances do not produce the desired result.

A girl can use wax at home, following a specific technique of application.

Stage 1 — you must comb gently hold the eyebrows along their growth, so the product will evenly fall on the eyebrows.

Step 2 — brush the layers are applied in a given direction. It is important that the layers on top of each other evenly and without clumps, but remove the layer delivers big problem. To deepen color, add a coat of wax on the eyebrows.

Stage 3 — using cotton swabs, remove the asymmetry and error until the wax dries.

Stage 4 — special comb for eyebrows slightly swipe on the result, it will remove the excess and give an organic appearance. After this procedure, the eyebrows will have a natural look.

How to use eyebrow wax

Wax can be applied before or after eye shadow. Makeup artists prefer to draw eyebrows after applying a base shade of shadow.

When choosing a shop wax it is necessary to understand the purpose of his purchase. If you want to securely lock the form, the ideal option for you would be a colorless transparent wax. Or you want to enhance the natural color pigment without the use of tools.

When choosing a shade, be aware of the following guidelines:

1. The color of the wax should be 2-3 shades lighter than hair color. Thanks to this advice, your eyebrows will look natural.

2. Beauticians have identified a number of good colors, it depends on the color of your hair to the color of the eyelashes.

Many people ask, why use wax? In addition to decorative effect, it helps to moisturize and slow down hair growth, in addition, with continued use, the hairs grow in a given direction and sparse upright hairs. We offer you to watch a video that once again shows how to apply and to distribute the wax, and do makeup with my hands.

One of the most popular companies manufacturing cosmetics, it can be considered letual. The positive reviews say about the quality and affordable price of the product. In addition, a vast array of shades you can find an “ideal” for themselves. It separates the hairs of your eyebrows, while not touching the skin. Excellent result, as, for example, from the pencil or shadow, you won’t get but the edge will be neat and tidy manner. Firm Maybelline are known and are in demand with professionals. Wax stained hair and has no negative impact on the skin, and therefore wrinkles do not appear after many years of use. Girl who decided to use this brand, very happy and do not notice any cons, all major objectives were met by this remedy. To ensure the reliability of our words can be looked at a few submitted photos.

How to use eyebrow wax

Eyebrows all women look expressive and bright, but it does not break the contrast of makeup. And natural color only enhances your natural appeal and beautifies your look. The wax will be a great addition in your purse and can replace a whole set of makeup: powder, eye shadow, mascara and pencil for eyelashes.

Don’t confuse modeling and dailyroi wax. The first task is to fix a natural bend and shape eyebrows, dailyroi slows down the growth of hairs. If you by nature do not have the correct symmetrical shape of the eyebrows, you can contact the beauty salon, where you will find bend and shape, and tint wax. After you have to support all this beauty tweezers, periodically visibaba the excess hairs, and tinting it with wax.

Buying wax, clearly specify its objective, as the price can vary significantly.

A modern company’s come a long way, so you can buy the twist with wax and shadows. The wax will give your eyebrows the perfect look.

After that, read reviews online, review videos and ratings of the best cosmetic products and choose what will satisfy your requirements. Can be purchased as either a kit for care or to pick up individual items of cosmetics of different firms. It all depends on your desire, resources, and taste.

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